Sunday, September 27, 2009

Okay, so me and my friend Cholo King2, where in the pvp worlds, picking off some afkers. Now you'll remember Cholo King2, if you saw my post about losing full rune. He was the guy that killed me and reaped the rewards of his labour (that's right ladies and gentelman, full rune). But it just so happened that ever since that, we've become good friends and have explored a great deal of good hotspots in the pvp world.

So one upon a time, we are wandering around in the pvp world and we spot this guy in full rune and he's just standing there in this mining area south of varrok. So we both run in hoping to kill him, it wasn't a multi combat zone. Unfortunately, he got to the guy first, and it just so happened that the guy was afk at the time (why the heck, in the player vs. player worlds? That's suicide!). So Cholo killed him, and got a full rune set (after killing me for my rune set).

Okay, that was interesting. What was even more interesting is how he had the nerve to ask me to do the 26k trick with him, with FULL RUNE ARMOUR! The 26k trick is where one player goes out with his stuff and the other player kills him, then the killed player kills the other player, this used to automatically created profit. But it doesn't anymore, Jagex fixed it, and there are still scammers out there that will say that the 26k trick still works.

So he got my full rune off me from killing me, then he stole my kill and got full rune, and now he wants full rune off me via the 26k trick (which doesn't work)?

I was like, "NO WAY ON RS!"

So I just went and trained on Moss Giants, in hopes of getting to my goal of wielding a Dharoks Greataxe sooner...


In other news, I'm going on a camp for 5 days and will not be able to update this blog, so I'll miss you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Aww have a nice time at camp, ps i am following you. thanks for adding me to the b-roll and yeah we are sharing blogs now, kinda wierd :S
