Sunday, September 27, 2009

Okay, so me and my friend Cholo King2, where in the pvp worlds, picking off some afkers. Now you'll remember Cholo King2, if you saw my post about losing full rune. He was the guy that killed me and reaped the rewards of his labour (that's right ladies and gentelman, full rune). But it just so happened that ever since that, we've become good friends and have explored a great deal of good hotspots in the pvp world.

So one upon a time, we are wandering around in the pvp world and we spot this guy in full rune and he's just standing there in this mining area south of varrok. So we both run in hoping to kill him, it wasn't a multi combat zone. Unfortunately, he got to the guy first, and it just so happened that the guy was afk at the time (why the heck, in the player vs. player worlds? That's suicide!). So Cholo killed him, and got a full rune set (after killing me for my rune set).

Okay, that was interesting. What was even more interesting is how he had the nerve to ask me to do the 26k trick with him, with FULL RUNE ARMOUR! The 26k trick is where one player goes out with his stuff and the other player kills him, then the killed player kills the other player, this used to automatically created profit. But it doesn't anymore, Jagex fixed it, and there are still scammers out there that will say that the 26k trick still works.

So he got my full rune off me from killing me, then he stole my kill and got full rune, and now he wants full rune off me via the 26k trick (which doesn't work)?

I was like, "NO WAY ON RS!"

So I just went and trained on Moss Giants, in hopes of getting to my goal of wielding a Dharoks Greataxe sooner...


In other news, I'm going on a camp for 5 days and will not be able to update this blog, so I'll miss you guys!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Runescape Machinima - Chicken Quality Control

My second machinima, this time it has not traces of tehnoobshow in it. I hope you like it, if you have any suggestions please comment! Thank you!

What I Did Today: Lose Full Rune Armour

That's right ladies, and gents; I lost 3 rune scimitars, and full rune armour since yesterday! My bank gold  has gone down from 1 mil to 600k over the last 30 hours. I have got to be more careful!

What I Did Today

Today, I was training on Hill Giants in the player versus player worlds when a someone on facebook decided to chat to me, so I switched tab over to facebook, for about 5 seconds to type in a message when, I heard a noise coming out of my speakers... So I opened the rs tab back up only to find these two players fighting with each other in the cave.

No Biggie! I have 1 mil in the bank, anyway!

And then I found out that one of the characters was me, the one with like 2% health left. Yep todays my lucky day! I suddenly found myself in Lumbridge, missing one rune scimitar.

Now that wouldn't be such a big story, if it hadn't have happened another time! Yep I was back at the Hill Giants about 10 minutes later with another rune scimitar, this time I only lasted about half an hour when a stupid mage decided to try out his new fire spell on me... Unfortunately it worked, and I ran away at top speed. But not quick enough, I soon awoke to find myself in the middle of Lumbridge. Minus another rune scimitar!

Okay that's when it starts to get annoying, but does it end there? OH NO! It's only beginning...

Ten minutes later, I'm back, and this time I've come prepared with teleport to varrock runes as well! Yes siree, I've come with the whole kit, lots of lobbies, lots of teles, lots of prayer, and a weapon. This time I'm unstopable! So I go killing Hill Giants again, but this time it's only a matter of minutes before a ranger decides that his Hill Giants are too boring to kill and that I might make a more interesting target. So he aims his bow, and an arrow rushes through the air and strikes me. This wouldn't be such a big deal... I had come prepared so I was totally okay, if it wasn't for the fact that I had forgotten about the fact that I had tele runes! So I ran away at top speed, I started praying for some Protect From Range. I ran through the sewers in an epic race to get away from those darts, those evil arrows! The only things stopping me from logging out!

I reached this gate, and as I clicked to open it, it didn't open. So this time, frantically I clicked it in hopes that it would open up so that I could get through! OH NO NOT MEMBER'S ONLY!!! One more bullet and I'd be dead, I frantically searched for an escape, not left... not right... no... Then I remembered my tele runes just as the last arrow plunged into my body. I gasped as I fell to my knees on the hard gravel inside those Varrock Sewer Caves. The skull above my head seemed to laugh menacingly at my misfortune.

So I lost three rune scimitars today... At least I still have near 1 mil, and I earned like 50k Strength XP today! But hey, when you play runescape you have to look at the silver lining around the cloud.

Discussion: Dual Wielding Option

After losing three scimitars in pvp world, I had to buy two rune scimitars, one for safe. So as I took them out of the grand exchange, from force of habit I clicked both of them to dual wield them both. Then I realized that that would be such a cool feature! To dual wield! So I have devised an idea that Jagex could put in my favorite game!

Okay so this is how it works, most items that you can hold in your hand on runescape (poison daggers, daggers, swords, long swords, maces, battleaxes, scimitars, and crossbows) would be dual wieldable. Now this would be interesting because the player would be able to attack twice as quick (hit with both weapons in one turn), but this could prove unfair. So maybe dual wielding should be available for higher leveled players.

So it takes 20 attack to wield any mithril items, but what would be awesome is if to wield two mithril items it would take 30 attack! Then you could run around with two mithril swords, or one addy one! Same with the rest of the items, it takes more level to dual wield! Also some special attacks would be good, I've always wanted to stab with one sword then stab with the other in a brutal special attack!

It could also be incredibly useful if you want to wield a dragon scimitar and a dragon p++ dagger! This would make an excellent combo, plus you have both of their special attacks! And maybe we could get an extra special attack just for dual wielding!

I suppose we could just use a primary weapon and a and a rune defender.

Well it's an interesting idea, but is it a good one? Should Jagex create dual wielding weapons, or at least add more secondary weapons? Have your say in the comments section of this post!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

3 Reasons You Should Train In The PvP World

  • Less People / More Monsters
  • More Xp and rewards
  • Lots more risky and fun!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My First Wilderness Experience

When I joined on runescape, which was a few years ago, rs was much simpler, if you died there was no gravestone to save you, you just kept three of the most valuable items in your inventory. Free trading was allowed, and there was no grand exchange, meaning it was possible to merchant. And last, but definitely not least, there was a feared place that they called, “THE WILDERNESS!!!”

Starting off as a level 3 newbie, I found runescape very fascinating. I had never seen a game with so much open area to explore, the very first thing I did was look for a bank. That unfortunately took me hours because the stupid darn map didn’t link up with the stupid darn radar for somewhere. My sense of direction on the game was pretty much poop.

So one day, this lvl 8 newbie, whose name was “-something-Usernamexx” lead me to the wilderness and warned me, “Radialkong, never go in there, it’s dangerous you will lose all your items and you will get killed.”

Out of bravery, and sheer stupidity I decided that I was strong enough and I would survive (statistics say otherwise)… So with a spring in my step I paraded through the wilderness, as an explorer. I saw a lot in my first wildy experience, it really opened up my eyes to runescape…

For a level three newbie, I wander how I got so far into the wilderness without dying!

Me going into the wilderness...
Me at lvl 3 trying to go into the wilderness!

So I lasted until the end of the lvl 40 wilderness, near the deadly spider mount. As I walked there, my eye caught a shiny thing on top of the hill… It was a rare gem, I saw it and I just knew I had to get it, so eyeing the spiders I rushed up the hill with top speed, grabbed the gem and bolted back down… Unfortunately, my feet never touched the level ground around the mountain, before the spiders got to me! They all started attacking 3s and 4s until after about two or three hits, they killed me!

I woke up in Lumbridge, without my gem and with a a few private messages from some girl names Username saying, “I told you so…”

That was the first of many fun moments in the wilderness, I wish I could bring back those fun days… Seems like a good dream.