Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Finally! A Non-RS Related Goal (that's about RS)

Right well I'm not posting to make another high in the sky runescape-skill related goal. No I'm not working my way up to 99 Smithing, taking over Jagex HQ, or even setting a goal to be the first lvl 90 player to ever solo Bandos (and Zezima himself while we're at it). No! I'm going on a more terrifying and madness-inspired quest... I'm going to...

Make a stinking runescape video.

Geez, it looks really appetizing Aunt
Gerrand, but I'm trying to lose weight
Man that sounded lame. Let me rephrase that... I was thinking of making some runescape machinimas! If you can't tell a machinima from your aunt's world-famous toenail soup (world famous for the amount of people killed from eating it), and a machinima allow me to explain... A machinima is a video filmed off of runescape, generally using runescape characters, all in the name of entertainment.

That's right, I'm getting into showbiz (just try and stop me). And what does that mean for me?

Well it means mastering the following programs:
Camtasia Studio - for filming
Blender - for animating runescape characters
After Effects - for all the 1337 post-processing

In short: A lot of my spare time spent drying my eyeballs out in front of the computer screen. Slaving over a hot keyboard, bringing you the best in runescape videos... Well we'll see how far I get anyway.

Still can't tell a machinima from Aunt Gerrand's World-famous, Toenail Soup? Watch this:


  1. Lol your posts are hilarious! Good luck with the machinima making :D

  2. Dude did you make that video? It's so funny! U\I look forward to seeing more vids from you.

  3. Haha you are funny! Gl with it!

  4. Dude that video is so funny! Did you make it?
